
Young Entrepreneur Community

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Monday, 24 September 2018

Bugis Tribe In South Sulawesi

The Beggining Of The Bugis Tribe.
Bugis are a tribe that is classified as a tribe Melayu Deutero.The Word "Bugis" Comes From the word "To Ugi",which means Bugis People.The name "Ugi"refers to the first king of the Chinese Kingdom Found in "Pammana",Currently Called "Kabupaten Wajo"That is LA SATTUMPUGI.They call themselves people or followers of La Sattumpugi.

La Sattumpugi itself is the father of We Cudai and siblings to the Batara Lattu,The father of Sawerigading.while Saerigading himself is the husband of "We Cudai" and Gave birth to several children including "La Galigo" who made the largest literary work in the world with a total of approximately 9.000 folio pages.The story of Sawerigading is also known in tradition on Society Gorontalo,Luwuk,kalili and Several other tradition in sulawesi such as Buton.

The Bugis Tradition.
The Bugis tribe highly Values self-esteem or is known as the "Siri" Concept.A Bugis saying that is famous for the sound "siri Paranreng,Nyawa Pa Lao" Which means that if a self-esteem has been tarnished,the the life will be paid.Then it is not uncommon if there is bloodshed in setting matters which are then referred to as "Sigajang Laleng Lipa".

Gender Of The Bugis Tribe.
Besides Men (Urakne) and Women (Makkunrai),The Bugis also have 3 types of gender namely Calalai,Calabai,Bissu.
  1. Gender Calalai,  is a women who takes on the role of man in her daily life,For example dresseing like a man to doing work like a man.Uniquely,a Calalai will not be considered a man and does not expect to be a man.
  2. Gender Calabai, Calabai is the opposite of Calalai,Where a man who resembles a woman.A Calabai is a person who is an expert in arranging marriages.
  3. Gender Bissu,  Bissu is a combination of men and women.Bissu is a spiritual figure who is believed to be able to connect between humans and gods.To be a Bissu,Someone can be born as man or a women.

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National Farmer's Day In Indonesian

Based on the decree of president Soekarno on 26 august 1963 No 169/1963, 24 September has been designated as a celebration of the National Farmer's Day.To respect and remember the services of Indonesian Farmmer's as Heroes of services as they struggle to continue to advanced the Agricultural sector of the Indonesian National.

The agricultural sector in indonesia is one of the key sectors of the Indonesian economy,Around 100 Million people or almoust all of the people Indonesian work in the agriculture sector.

As one of the countries in the tropics,Indonesian itself has very good agricultural potential.One of Indonesia's Tropical agricultural products with high potential is fruit and vegetable farming as well as spices and biofuels.
Indonesia's agricultural sector itself is the backbone of the country's can be seen in the formation of PDB,Foreign exchange earnings,employment,Food Suplay and the supply of industrial raw materials.In addition,Equitable development throught poverty alleviation and improvement of community income,Is one of the big wars and the agricultural sector.

According to academic study data Implemented by Direktorat Jenderal Pengolahan Lahan Dan Air,Kementerian Pertanian In the year 2006 shows that the total land area of Indonesian is 192 million hectares,Devided into 123 million hectares (64.6 %) is a cultivation area and 67 Million hectares the rest of it (35.4 %) Is a protected area.Of the total area of cultivation,Which has the potential for a large agricultural area 101 million hectares,Convering vast wetlands 25.6 million hectares,dry season one season 25.3 million hectares,Annual dry land crop 50.9 million hectares.
To this day,from areas thet have the potential for agricultural,Which has been cultivated into an agricultural area of 47 million hectares.So that there are still 54 million hectares that have the potential for agricultural expansion.
The amount and distribution of forests, rivers, swamps and lakes and rainfall that is quite high and evenly distributed throughout the year is actually a natural potential to meet the needs of agricultural water if managed properly. Reservoirs, dams, reservoirs and other ground water and surface water are very potential to support the development of agricultural businesses.

Sumber :

Sunday, 23 September 2018

History Sungai Hila-Hila Bulukumba

Pada pagi hari diatas tanah kering berdebu dan berbatu.Seorang pria paruh baya berjalan dengan tenang melewati jalan setapak di sebuah kampung kecil.Perawakannya agak tegak,tubuhnya jangkung dibalut pakaian serba putih.rambutnya yang hitam legam agak panjang dengan sedikit uban dibalik sorban putih.Pada tangan kanan nya mememgang subuah tongkat kayu.Wajahnya yang berwibawa dan bercahaya,matanya bias dengan sesekali memandang pada sekitar.

Sepanjang jalan setapak yang dilalui nya di penuhi batu-batu berkerikil,Disisi kanan dan kiri di penuhi batu-batu besar dan tanaman meranggas.
Musim kemarau yang sangat panjang membuat kampung ini mengalami kekeringan,Astagfirullahhalzim, kata lelaki itu,sambil matanya terus memandang kesekitar seakan mencari cari dan hendak melakukan sesuatu.Matahari naik sepenggala diatas kepalanya yang berbalut sorban.Lelaki itu berhenti di sebuah batu besar yang berwarna hitam.permukaan batu itu berbentuk agak datar,dan tampak nya dia telah menemukan apa yang di carinya.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah,engkau telah membawaku ke batu ini untuk melaksanakan shalat duha,Gumamnya sambil menatap ke langit.Lalu kedua telapak tangannya di letakkan ke tanah,untuk memulai bertayammung sebab sedari tadi tidak menemukan sumber mata air atau air sungai.Lelaki parah baya itupun berdiri melaksanakan shalat dhuha diatas batu besar itu.

Lelaki paruh baya itu adalah Khatib Bungsu.Seorang ulama dari koto tangah,Minangkabau yang menyebarkan agama islam di kerajaan kerajaan sulawesi selatan yang sedang melukan perjalanan ke kerajaan Tiro.

Asslamualaikum, Puang,Seorang pemuda berbadan tegap berpakaian hitam hitam,tiba -tiba muncul dari balik batu besar setelah khatib Bungsu melakukan shalat Dhuha.

Waalaikummussalam warahmatulahi wabarakatu,jawab Khatib bungsu,Pemuda itu langsung menjabat dan mencium tangan Khatib Bungsu,lalu berkata Alhamdulillah,Puang datang tepat waktu..!

Ada apa,Muridku?,Tanya Khatib Bungsu pada pemuda itu dengan nada heran,Pemuda itu adalah murid Khatib Bungsu di kampung itu.
Begini puang,Kita harus segera melakukan sesuatu.Kemarau yang berkepanjangan telah membuat sebagian besar pengikut kita dikampung ini hampir mengalami putus asa,karena ejekan dari orang orang yang belum di berikan hidayah oleh sang kuasa,mereka tidak bisa berbuat apa apa.
Mereka diejek karena hal apa,tanya Khatib Bungsu dengan suara tenang dan berwibawa.

Begini,Puang,Mereka berkata lebih baik mempertahankan ajaran nenek moyangnya dari pada mengikuti ajaran agama batu yang di ajarkan Puang,Agama baru tidak bisa menolong mereka keluar dari kemarau yang berkepanjangan ini.Hujan Tidak Kunjung turun,setiap hari ada saja ternak yang mati akibat kekeringan.tanaman mereka juga gagal panen,Puang,Mereka juga sangat yakin bahwa agama baru ini tidak mampu membawa mereka kepada penghidupan yang lebih baik.

Masya Allah,sesungguhnya Allah SWT maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang,Allah SWT tidak akan menimpahkan masalah kepada hambanya manakala hambanya tidak sanggup menanggungnya.Ujar Khatib Bungsu,Kemudian ia berkata lagi,Yakinlah,Anak Muda,Allah akan selalu menolong orang orang yang menolong agamanya.Mari, Anka muda,kita akan membuktikan bahwa sesungguhnya allah Maha Penolong.

Keduanya pun bergegas meninggalkan tempat itu,dan berjalan menuju ke perkampungan penduduk.Begitu tiba di kelokan jalan,keduanya di kejutkan oleh pemandangan yang sangat mengerikan,Puluhan orang kelihatan mengelilingi sebuah batu besar yang seperti altar.Diatas Batu itu terbaring seorang gadis dengan wajah yang penuh ketakutan.Kedua tangan dan kakinya terikat tali,Seorang lelaki bertelanjang dada berdiri di samping batu besar itu tempat gadis itu di letakkan.dengan memegang dua bilah badik di tangannya,Badik itu tampak saklar.Gagannya seperti terbuat dari tulang manusia yang diukir.Menandakan bahwa tidak sembarang orang yang dapat memilikinya.

Masya Allah,Muridku,,Apa gerangan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang itu,? Khatib Bungsu Berkata pada Muridnya.
Puang,itu adalah semacam persembahan kepada dewa mereka.Mereka akan mengorbankan gadis itu sebagai pengganti hujan.!
Astagfirullahalazim,apakah upacara semacam ini telah mereka lakukan selama ini,tanya Khatib Bungsu Pada muridnya dengan suara terkejut.
Upacara semacam ini,baru lagii dilakukan,terakhir kami saksikan belasan tahun lalu ketika terjadi juga kemarau panjang,dengan mengorbankan seorang gadis yang masih perawan.

Upacara persembahan dihadapan mereka tampaknya sudah dimulai.Puluhan Lelaki dan wanita disekeliling altar batu mengucapkan semacam mantra yang kedengaran seperti nyanyian dan ratapan kepedihan.Lelaki yang bertelanjang dada ini yang tampaknya pemimpin upacara melakukan tarian yang mengelilingi altar batu.Sejurus kemudian pemimpin upacara itu berhenti menari.Kedua tangannya diangkat ke langit sambil mengucapkan mantra,Kemudian ia berjalan ke wadah berisi air  dan memasukkan badik itu ke dalam air suci itu.Lalu dia mengangkat badik badik itu tinggi-tinggi ke arah langit sambil mulutnya tidak henti hentinya meracau mengeluarkan kata kata mantra.

Hening dan ketegangan meliputi tempat itu.Lalu sang pemimpin upacara berjalan ke arah gadis  yang dijadikan persembahan itu.Pemandangan mengerikan akan segera terjadi,Kedua badik itu diayun dengan sekuat tenaga dan sesaat lagi kepala gadis itu akan terpisah dengan badannya.

Tunggu,....! detik detik pengeksekusian itu terdengar suara yang menggelegar,Suara itu mengejutkan semua orang yang ada disitu.Mereka serentak melihat ke arah datangnya suara itu.

Kau rupanya Khatib Bungsu,Kata pemimpin upacara itu,Perlahan ia menurunkan badiknya lalu dia berkata lantang.Khatib Bungsu..!!! ada urusan apa tiba-tiba muncul disini mengganggu jalannya upacara kami.?
hentikan upacara setan ini,,!!Ketahuilah,mengorbankan nyawa seorang gadis yang tidak berdosa tidak akan mengubah apa pun.Hujan tetap tidak akan turun melainkan kemalangan gadis itu.Perbuatan kalian ini sungguh perbuatan yang keji dan tidak manusiawi.Jika ingin meminta hujan turun,Berdoalah dan lakukan kebajikan pada Allah Swt Tuhan semesta alam.

Hahahahahahaha,,..........Upacara ini kami lakukan atas ajaran leluhur kami yang sudah berlangsung selama ratusan tahun.ajaran baru yang kamu ajarkan nyatanya tidak bisa menurunkan hujan di negeri ini.Bukan.?Lelaki itu berkata sambil matanya memandang sinis pada Khatib Bungsu.Tidak ada tuhan selain Allah swt dan Muhammad saw adalah utusannya.Kata Khatib Bungsu,dengan suara tenang.

"Omong Kosong...Buktikan kalau kamu bisa menurukan hujan". Khatib Bungsu terdiam sejenak.dengan suara yang tenang dan berwibawa,"Baiklah",Aku akan mencoba meminta kepada Allah Swt air yang kau inginkan itu.Tapi dengan syarat kalian harus melepaskan gadis itu dan meninggalkan hal hal keji ini.
Hei Khatib Bungsu,.....Kami tidak akan melepaskan gadis persembahan kami.Begini saja,buktikan kepada kami jika kamu bisa meminta air kepaa tuhanmu itu.Buktikan kalau ajaranmu itu benar.Jika kamu bisa membuktikan omongan besar mu itu,kami akan melepaskan gadis ini,ujar lelaki itu dengan sinis.

'Baiklah',Tetapi kalian harus menepati janji,kalian harus melepaskannya,Ujar Khatib Bungsu.Ia lalu berjalan beberapa langkah.Sejenak kemudian Khatib Bungsu mengangkat kedua tangannya dan berdoa beberapa saat.Setelah mengusapkan kedua tangan ke wajahnya lalu ia tiba-tiba mengangkat tongkat kayunya lalu di hujamkan ketanah dengan keras.separuh tongkat itu menancap ke tanah.Khatib Bungsu lalu mencabut tongkat itu dan membentuk semacam garis.Dan apa yang terjadi....sungguh mencengangkan...Sekonyong konyong dari lubang tongkat kayu itu muncullah air yang sangat deras,semakin deras sampai menggenangi tanah tempat mereka berpijak.Genangan air semakin banyak hingga Menggenangi semua orang yang ada disitu hingga lutut.

penulis oleh : Israwaty Samad dan Alfian Nawawi
Diambil dari Rubrik Kajian Sastra Majalah purakasastra edisi 1

Saturday, 22 September 2018

History Of The Name Bulukumba

Supposedly,The name Bulukumba originated from the war of mouth and civil between the two major kingdoms in south Sulawesi,The Kingdom Of GOWA (Suku Makassar) And Kingdom Of Bone (Suku Bugis).

The event occurred in the 17th century AD,On the coast named "Tanah Kokkong",It was there that envoys of King Gowa ang King Bone.The negotiated peacefully and set boundaries for their respective kingdoms.

"Bangkeng Bukit" (Foothills),Is a line of hillsides from mount "Lompobattang" (Big Belly), Which is claimed by the kongdom of Gowa as the boundary of its territory ranging from "kindang" to the eastern region.However,the Bone Kingdom insisted on maintaining "Bangkeng Bukit"as its territory from the west to the south.

The Bone Kingdom said "Bulu'ku Mupa" which means it 's still my mountain. Then that word is used as the name of dispute between the Kingdom of Gowa and The Kingdom Of Bone.
From the word "Bulu'ku Mupa" this change into "Bulukumpa" and "Bulukumba".

At that time the tongue of the people of Kingdom of Gowa found it difficult topronounce the word "Bulu'ku Mupa" and finally they said the word "Bulukumba" which later turned into "Bulukumba".

On the other hand,The people of the Kingdom Bone also found it difficult to pronounce the word "Bulu'ku Mupa" or "Bulukumba",Finally they said the word "Bulukumpa".

At this time,Bulukumpa is now the name of one of the sub-districts in the Bulukumba,While Bulukumba is the name of the district.
It is said that since that tie the name Bulukumba began to exist , and until now officially become a regency namely, Bulukumba Regency.

The inauguration of Bulukumba became a district name starting from issuance of Undang-undang nomor 29 tahun 1959,Concerning the establishment of level 2 regions in Sulawesi province.

The day after the seminar, At the date 28 march 1994,With interviewees Prof. Dr.H. ahmad Mattulada (Historian and Culture Expert),The anniversary of Bulukumba regency was determined,That is,On February 4,1960 through regional regulation number 13 of 1994.

Penulis : Asnawin Aminuddin
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Friday, 21 September 2018

Shopping Is Investing

"Nowadays,Paying a glass of coffe on your order or shopping for logistic daily needs can be worth the investement."

(That was the opening conversation from a member of our team "Komunitas Kumpul Poin" when relaxions drinking coffe with their friends).

"Loh,Why can,ahhh,you're bullshit..It's almost similiar to marketing seduction now".
(The spontaneous respons from his friend 's mouth whwn he invite to join the Komunitas Kumpul Poin).

"But that's how it really is now brother."
(He answer casually,then he tried to convince his with millennial style).

"Friend,Let me explain it to you in a couple sentences!!!!..

"It's Okay, I wanna know,...How that happen.But slow it down."
(Connect a colleague in his forhead with a curious tone and the same frequency).

All Right....

.....and listen to the explanation in this one-way tone :

In a world that is a changing now,Everything will change quickly,Including lifestyle and investment patterns.10 years ago,If we shop for daily needs,Then it is considered an act of only consumption.We generate monthly salary or maybe savings to meet our daily needs without ever thinking that it could be a long-term investment.That's the routine that has been going on for along time.Maybe because since we were in school we have been taught that.Spending money to meet our food and drink needs become a necessity as a consumer without question.While you to invest , we must save money and set aside some of the income to be saved into savings.But whether the pattern will forever so or has experienced a shift.?

Currently,Along with developments,some partiens assume that spending money to buy daily logistics needs does not necessarily become consumption only.Shopping to meet our daily needs can now become a future investment .Well,Such a new perspective is what the "Komunitas Kumpul Poin" whants to collect and prove and try to get people to get involved and benefit from it.

If so far we have been taught that spending our money in certain sectors such as gold,Property,Education,stocks and health then it is considered as an investment.While if we shop at other sectors then it is consideredas an act of consumption alone.So spending our money on the property sector such as land or house is clearly considered to be a form of investment because it has become common knowledge that property prices have never dropped so far even the value will continue to rise almost every year.

The same is true if we buy a piece of gold,People assume that the value or price of gold can never go down even the price tends to rise periodically.Or do we buy shares of companies that have go public then it will be categorized as a long-term investment investor.Other than that,Often we hear that spending money on the education and health sectors now it is considered o form of long-term investment action.Maybe because through education we will know a lot of things about how to try to get money to meet our needs.While maintaining health,Then we can be fit in our activities as economic agents who can make money.

Then what about shopping for our daily needs,Can it be an investment.?,,Well,This is where the interesting approach taken by "Komunitas Kumpul Poin".This Community is able to explore you daily comsumption into an investment.If your join in Komunitas Kumpul Poin ,purchase transactions of your daily needs at the network of merchant and our partners will get a reward points that you can money one day.The goods that you buy are still at normal prices and do not experience price increases.It can happen because the team "Komunitas Kumpul Poin"  has made a negotiation effort so that your purchase transactions in our merchant network will get a reward in the form of points that will be added to your account and will then be transferred to your E-wallet account,which you can later cash if it reaches a certain amount.

As a brief illustration,If you order a glass of coffe at the cafe or Komunitas Kumpul Poin partners then you will get a reward in the form of points that you can input directly into your account.These points will be collected and acumulated in acertain amount and then tranferred to an e-wallet taht you can withdraw at any time after reaching a certain amount.So the daily spending habits that you practice so far will continue as usual,but without you knowing,in fact you have prepared your investment savings secretly.Even the value of the Rupiah that you can get is quite fantastic,From tens to hundreds of thousands,hundreds of millions,up to billions of Rupiah.wahhh,,Really interesting right???  Please prove it yourself........

"How Brother"?
But sorry if the explanation is quite long huh..!!!!!

Yuk.....drinking some more coffe brother,,,,..Hopefully pleasure will be stored a long time in your e-wallet account.

It's cool to be able to drink coffe in coffe shop Merchants fostered by the Komunitas Kumpul Poin.

Sumber : Komunitas kumpul Poin