At first we thought a little be able to improve the society,the income must be increased.To reduce unemployment,Create as many job opportinities as possible .That's roughly his theory.But The next problem is,can we run and find a way to do it.Yes,Obviosly that's not and easy thing.How could we possibly reduce unemployment if we do not have a business ready to acommodate job seekers.Where can we help others to start their business if we don't have enought capital to model their efforts in the early stages.Especially if we have no stock knowledge managemant or the intricacies of the business world.But the idealism was in the way of the tranquility of the nature of our mind.Although we were all convinced that the idealism could execute in the field.
So we began discussing it more seriously from the Warung Kopi to the Warung Kopi.We gather spirits,Formulate concepts,Construct early steps to realize these idea and ideas. in the gaps of the routine, suddenly a friend our drinking coffe said,Why many of us hestitate or even afraid to start their own business when it is not difficult to do.other join the same thing that the initial capital can be cultivated, The skill of arranging of organizing the organitation can be done, even how to bring custumers is not a difficult thing.That is atmosphere of our relaxing chat when in the Warung Kopi that is scattered in the city of Makassar.
Long story short, we also began to compile a list of problems,type it,present the concept,then invite friends or intelligent people to join building a business community.It's not easy to recognized and gather the potensial possessed by many people to be mixed, combined and the taken together. we also started to examid and map patterns of routine activities that are again recent trends such as the habit of drinking,daily logistics needs to eat other food and lifestyle especially for young millennials .
Finally we concluded that by setting up a lifestyle and way of shopping to meet the logistics needs of our daily eating, and directing it at a mutually agreed place then directly or indeirectly we have contribute to and participate in efforts to improve welfare,reduce unemployment,promote the growth of new entrepreneurs and empower existing UMKM.Simply put,for us,the economic sovereignty of the nation can be realized if substained by the economic power of the people.The economic of the worker can be strongs if we are able to empower UMKM,Adequate employment availability and reduced unemployment.Similarly,Prosperity will be increased if people's income increases so that it can meet basic needs and other daily needs...and, Komunitas Kumpul Poin ready to do that.
Sumber : Komunitas Kumpul Poin
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