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Monday, 24 September 2018

Bugis Tribe In South Sulawesi

The Beggining Of The Bugis Tribe.
Bugis are a tribe that is classified as a tribe Melayu Deutero.The Word "Bugis" Comes From the word "To Ugi",which means Bugis People.The name "Ugi"refers to the first king of the Chinese Kingdom Found in "Pammana",Currently Called "Kabupaten Wajo"That is LA SATTUMPUGI.They call themselves people or followers of La Sattumpugi.

La Sattumpugi itself is the father of We Cudai and siblings to the Batara Lattu,The father of Sawerigading.while Saerigading himself is the husband of "We Cudai" and Gave birth to several children including "La Galigo" who made the largest literary work in the world with a total of approximately 9.000 folio pages.The story of Sawerigading is also known in tradition on Society Gorontalo,Luwuk,kalili and Several other tradition in sulawesi such as Buton.

The Bugis Tradition.
The Bugis tribe highly Values self-esteem or is known as the "Siri" Concept.A Bugis saying that is famous for the sound "siri Paranreng,Nyawa Pa Lao" Which means that if a self-esteem has been tarnished,the the life will be paid.Then it is not uncommon if there is bloodshed in setting matters which are then referred to as "Sigajang Laleng Lipa".

Gender Of The Bugis Tribe.
Besides Men (Urakne) and Women (Makkunrai),The Bugis also have 3 types of gender namely Calalai,Calabai,Bissu.
  1. Gender Calalai,  is a women who takes on the role of man in her daily life,For example dresseing like a man to doing work like a man.Uniquely,a Calalai will not be considered a man and does not expect to be a man.
  2. Gender Calabai, Calabai is the opposite of Calalai,Where a man who resembles a woman.A Calabai is a person who is an expert in arranging marriages.
  3. Gender Bissu,  Bissu is a combination of men and women.Bissu is a spiritual figure who is believed to be able to connect between humans and gods.To be a Bissu,Someone can be born as man or a women.

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National Farmer's Day In Indonesian

Based on the decree of president Soekarno on 26 august 1963 No 169/1963, 24 September has been designated as a celebration of the National Farmer's Day.To respect and remember the services of Indonesian Farmmer's as Heroes of services as they struggle to continue to advanced the Agricultural sector of the Indonesian National.

The agricultural sector in indonesia is one of the key sectors of the Indonesian economy,Around 100 Million people or almoust all of the people Indonesian work in the agriculture sector.

As one of the countries in the tropics,Indonesian itself has very good agricultural potential.One of Indonesia's Tropical agricultural products with high potential is fruit and vegetable farming as well as spices and biofuels.
Indonesia's agricultural sector itself is the backbone of the country's can be seen in the formation of PDB,Foreign exchange earnings,employment,Food Suplay and the supply of industrial raw materials.In addition,Equitable development throught poverty alleviation and improvement of community income,Is one of the big wars and the agricultural sector.

According to academic study data Implemented by Direktorat Jenderal Pengolahan Lahan Dan Air,Kementerian Pertanian In the year 2006 shows that the total land area of Indonesian is 192 million hectares,Devided into 123 million hectares (64.6 %) is a cultivation area and 67 Million hectares the rest of it (35.4 %) Is a protected area.Of the total area of cultivation,Which has the potential for a large agricultural area 101 million hectares,Convering vast wetlands 25.6 million hectares,dry season one season 25.3 million hectares,Annual dry land crop 50.9 million hectares.
To this day,from areas thet have the potential for agricultural,Which has been cultivated into an agricultural area of 47 million hectares.So that there are still 54 million hectares that have the potential for agricultural expansion.
The amount and distribution of forests, rivers, swamps and lakes and rainfall that is quite high and evenly distributed throughout the year is actually a natural potential to meet the needs of agricultural water if managed properly. Reservoirs, dams, reservoirs and other ground water and surface water are very potential to support the development of agricultural businesses.

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